

we do

Writing with Impact


Technology is responsible for txtspk, 24/7 working practices, internet worship, immediate email gratification and the foreshortened attention span. Global readers expect clear messages in neat soundbytes and business writing is less formal.





Good business writing transfers business-critical data so that readers can rapidly absorb messages, make decisions quickly and take swift action.  Good business writers have clear plans, a strong structure, a concise writing style, influence, impact and an accurate eye.


Every course contains the four essential elements of effective business writing: planning, structuring, drafting and editing. Our courses are fast-paced, lively, interactive and practical, each tailored to match specific requirements and context of our clients.


• Half-day or one day format: courses designed to fit busy schedules

• Post-course tasks: follow-on reminders suggest ways to enhance writing

• Tailored events: new templates, process and skills for business units or teams




Swifter action and quicker decisions. By-products of the training are clearer communication, structured thinking and stronger personal impact, easier writing and enhanced writer confidence.




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