
Clearly, tremendous amounts of work, preparation and creativity were required to make it so successful... The moderators were very good - supporting, facilitating, coaching when needed. Great experience for everyone involved..."


feedback from several clients who supported one of the Market Trader events


we are

Elton Mellor has an excellent track record for delivering training to leading businesses throughout the UK and internationally.


We work with clients from a diverse range of business sectors, a large number of which are retained.  This demonstrates the quality of our training and a commitment to achieving outstanding results.  Our approach is different, dynamic and creative. We adapt our methods to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients, making the learner experience the best it can possibly be.


Elton Mellor was set up in 2006 by Janine Elton, a skilled and experienced trainer, who wanted to create a business that delivered cost-effective, business-intelligent and premium training in a powerful way.  Our materials are relevant, visual and memorable.  We use case studies that replicate real-world scenarios and work with trainers who are hand-picked.


Our associates each have specific skills and sector experience. We match a trainer to a client, achieving more by understanding the marketplace, opportunities, challenges and training needs.  Our ethos is to motivate learners to reach their true potential by changing behaviour, performance and to encourage increased confidence.


Elton Mellor continues to support leaders, managers and staff who need to achieve more, with less. 






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